Apprenticeship Acronyms
Apportionment Funding: Allows an accredited California Community College to report Apprentices as Full Time Equivalent Students (FTES), and therefore collect specifically allocated funding (Apportionment Funds) rather than charging admissions fees and/or tuition for those Apprentices registered in a DAS approved Program. A Community College faculty member must teach qualifying courses. (Education Code Section 76350, as amended by AB 1809)
CAC: California Apprenticeship Council. The council issues rules and regulations that establish standards for minimum wages, maximum hours, and working conditions for apprentice agreements in the building and construction trades and for firefighter occupations. (Labor Code 3070.)
CBA: Collective Bargaining Agreement. The CBA sets forth the terms and conditions of apprenticeship as negotiated between a union and signatory employer(s). It shows the amount of employer payments into the training trust, based on hours worked by apprentices and journeymen. It also shows the percentage of journeyman wages paid for on-the-job training. Apprentices may receive health and pension benefits in addition to wages, under the CBA. The CBA may also include some or all of the rules and regulations for the apprenticeship Program.
CCCCO: California Community College Chancellor’s Office. The CCCCO oversees the entire Community College system in California. Specifically, the CCCCO’s Workforce & Economic Development Department partners with DAS to ensure easy access to quality education for apprenticeship Programs, and in conjunction with the Foundation for California Community Colleges, administers the California Apprenticeship Initiative grants.
DAS: Division of Apprenticeship Standards. DAS is within the Department of Industrial Relations and must review and approve all apprenticeship Programs.
DOL: Department of Labor. DOL is reference to DAS’ federal counterpart, officially known as USDOL/ETA or United States Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration.
Excess Costs: The amount of funding needed to pay for RSI, in addition to Montoya Funds. If the LEA delivers RSI, the Program sponsor must reimburse excess costs. If delivered "off campus" by the Program sponsor, the LEA forwards Montoya Funds to the sponsor, minus its own administrative costs. (Labor Code Section 3074.)
IACA: Interagency Advisory Committee on Apprenticeship. The Committee provides advice and guidance to the Administrator of Apprenticeship and Chief of the Division of Apprenticeship Standards on apprenticeship Programs, standards, agreements, and administration of standards governing pre-apprenticeship, certification, and on-the-job training and retraining outside the building and construction trades and firefighters, and on the development. (Labor Code Section 3071.5)
JATC/JAC: Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee (or Council) or Joint Apprenticeship Committee (or Council). A JATC/JAC administers the apprenticeship Program jointly, with both union and signatory employer(s) on the Committee.
LEA: Local Educational Agency. This may be a community college operated by the California Community College Chancellor's Office (CCCCO), a high school district, or Regional Occupational Center/Program operated by the district under oversight by a local County Office of Education (COE) or/under the California Department of Education (CDE). LEAs deliver or oversee the delivery of RSI within Apprenticeship Programs.
MITC: Minimum Industry Training Criteria. These criteria are set by the CAC and are updated every three years to recognize new materials and techniques in traditional apprenticeship Programs. (Title 2, CCR Section 212.01.)
Montoya Funds: State of California funding for RSI appropriated each year to the CCCCO under the Budget Act. Called Montoya in recognition of former State Senator Joseph Montoya, who promoted the concept, Montoya Funds are allocated to LEAs based on apprenticeship RSI attendance reported by both the CAC and the CCCCO.
OJT: On-the-Job Training. The bulk of apprentice training time is on-the-job, under the direction of an experienced journeyperson. Wages are paid during on-the-job training with periodic increases in equal percentages as the apprentice successfully advances or completes apprenticeship periods.
O*Net (Code): Occupational Information Network. Every occupation requires a different mix of knowledge, skills, and abilities, and is performed using a variety of activities and tasks. These distinguishing characteristics of an occupation are described by the O*NET Content Model.
Non-Traditional (Non-Construction): Apprenticeships, pre-apprenticeships, certification and / or on-the-job training Programs in any trade or occupation other than the building and construction trades or firefighter occupations.
Plant Standard / Employer Apprenticeship Program (EAP): Apprenticeship Program sponsored by a single employer.
Program Sponsor (or Sponsor): A Program sponsor (or sponsor) is responsible for the creation of, maintenance of, and adherence to the Standards and Rules and Regulations of a(n) apprenticeship, pre-apprenticeship, certification and / or on-the-job training Program. The Program sponsor (or sponsor) may be a single employer, group of employers, LEA, JATC / JAC, or UAC.
RSI: Related and Supplemental Instruction. RSI is a component of apprenticeship training that is delivered in a classroom or simulated laboratory. Typically, RSI is 144 hours per year although DAS will accept variations depending on the overall Program standards.
SVP (codes): Specific Vocational Preparation (Codes). SVP codes are used to determine if an occupation is “apprenticeable” and are located on the DOL/ETA website. The minimum SVP code for apprenticeship is “5” (6 months to 1 year).
Traditional (also “BC” or “Construction”): Apprenticeships, pre-apprenticeships, certification and / or on-the-job training Programs in the building and construction trades or firefighter occupations.
UAC: Unilateral Apprenticeship Committee. A group of employers without a union presence or a labor organization forms UAC’s.